Tuesday, August 10, 2010

John Flett explains all about trees.

An explanation or an apology?

Chat time

Tony catches up.

Late 60s grads

These folks left GCI later than most of us.  Janice Wasik contacted a lot of her former classmates and they appeared to be catching up on the news.

Help - names please!

GCI sweater

Your committee

Wayne Johnson, Tony Dadson, me, Jackie (Dalton) Schwab.  Lots of work in a short time.

The jocks are still having a good time.

The coach

Does this guy look familiar?  Do you suddenly feel like running laps in the gym? It's Ernie G.

The cake

Every party needs a cake.

Wayne Johnson and Randy Lindquist

Wayne put a huge effort into this reunion.  Good job, Wayne.

Windsor Friends

Remember Carl Pfaff and Jim Flowers?  Looking good, boys!

The reunion!

Well, we did it!  Lots of people dropped in to say hello, to catch up on the news, and to see old friends.
Here are some of the photos.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The stories are coming in.

Lots of people are sending their stories - and, wow, have St. Vital grads ever seen the world!  It's great to hear how former classmates have enjoyed life since the sixties.

Get your story in soon!  The reunion is on August 7th.  At the event we will have a booklet you can add your story to, but it's easier if you send it to me now and I can bring it to the event.

After the reunion, we will be putting together a CD containing all the stories, and it will be available to anyone who asks - minimal cost.

See you at Windsor Community Centre.

Monday, May 24, 2010

More pictures

I think we will have to wear large tags, "Hello, I'm .........." because I don't think many of us still look like this.  That's OK, we're still gorgeous grads.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Windsor students on ice

Bob Sharman sent this photo with the following description of who is in it:
Ian Gillis, ?, Gary Charman, Jackie Davidson, Lawrie Groves, Barb Somers, Geoff Hall, Cheryl Vidruk, ?, Billy Dunstone, Barb Coutts?, Doug Hornsby, Susan Fair.

Anyone out there to confirm or correct the names?

Monday, April 5, 2010

Four months until the St. Vital Sixties Reunion

Lots of people have been emailing from all over the continent - St. Vital people travelled far once they left the old neighbourhood.
I've been asking people to write out brief summaries of their lives once they left St. Vital.  The plan is to bring these stories to the reunion so people can get caught up on what happened to our classmates.
If you know anyone who has travelled far away and who can't get to the reunion, please ask them to email me with their story.   And have your story ready too.  I'm sure other people are just as curious as I am to hear the happy endings.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

7 months until the reunion

In less than 7 months, we'll be sitting at the Windsor Community Centre catching up on each other's stories, swapping photos of grandchildren, laughing at pictures from the "old days", lying to each other about not looking a day older than we did in the 60s. 
Seven months?  I really have to get serious about a diet!!